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Wind Symphony

Casco Phil

At the intersection of art, science, and industry, Casco Phil, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, energy company Vleemo, and the Port of Antwerp, launched an ambitious project to underscore the significance of wind energy.

Over the course of a year, data was collected from over 30 wind turbines, which was then transformed into a musical composition, the Wind Symphony. In the initial phase, we crafted a visual representation of how the data input was translated into music. These graphical elements were overlaid on footage from the Port of Antwerp. In the introduction, narrator Frank Deboosere explained the genesis of the Wind Symphony.

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Live performance

On June 14th 2023, CASCO Phil performed the Wind Symphony at the Port House of Antwerp for an audience of +200 invited guests. The video was shown on a big screen, behind the orchestra, and we were additionally tasked with covering the entire performance. The following day, the video recording was broadcast in its entirety on television, commemorating the Global Wind Day.

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