EUROPALIA Arts Festival
For the second edition in a row, multidisciplinary arts festival EUROPALIA and Eyes—Screen partnered up on the edition TRAINS & TRACKS. A festival in the context of the European Year of Rail, with broad interpretations on this fascinating theme.
Since structural partnerships with an open dialogue are at the core of our way of working, we started out by trying to understand what this edition is about and which communication challenges to tackle.
Together we developed multiple audiovisual formats ranging from animations, artist portraits, performance captures and sound recordings, both for online and offline use.
By working on different audiovisual domains, we were able to create a coherence in all formats, keeping the design of this edition and EUROPALIA's general brand style in mind.
By working on different audiovisual domains, we were able to reach coherence in all formats
Based on the poster, we created an animated teaser. With very few visual elements, and in-house sound design, we came up with a purified train ride.
We created multiple formats to serve different social media, but also adjusted versions to show on digital billboards in Belgium’s biggest train stations.
Animated Festival Teaser
Artist Portraits
Together with EUROPALIA’s team we were able to use video in an early stage of the festival. Instead of only using it in a retrospective way, like it was the case before, we could capture the attention of an audience upfront.
We did this by creating several artist portraits, among them Rinus Van de Velde, Germaine Kruip and Farida Amadou.
While producing the portraits, a strong attention was put on the purpose of the video. Keeping an eye on different dimensions and timings to suit the distribution for different platforms.
Capture To Remember
Some temporary exhibitions and performances, ask to get captured. Not only for communication purposes but also for documentation and archive reasons. In total we've been filming 25 items. A selection was used in an aftermovie. A great way to let new audiences discover this outstanding festival.
"The people at Eyes—Screen are perfectionists, they keep on polishing and sanding until they get it right. That gives confidence to set up a good cooperation."