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The 'DESPELERS' video series offers an inside look at the individuals shaping the Arenberg experience. This set of three videos provides an authentic glimpse into the dynamic world of Arenberg, distinct from the regular programming.

Despite each video being shot in a completely different setting and environment, we integrated various elements that ensured they were recognized as part of a larger series.

This trilogy of videos, featuring artists Grof Geschud, Hind & Zahra Eljadid, and Dena Vahdani, offers an authentic glimpse into the vibrant world of Arenberg, setting itself apart from the regular programming.

Despite each video being shot in distinctly different settings and environments, we have successfully integrated various elements to ensure a cohesive recognition as part of a larger series.

230804 DESPELERS DENA 16 9 GFX OT 00 02 25 06 Still006
230823 ARENBERG HINDZAHRA 16 9 GFX OT 00 00 28 14 Still003
230323 ARENBERG GROFGESCHUD 4 5 00 00 49 16 Still003
230804 DESPELERS DENA 4 5 GFX OT 00 02 39 17 Still005
230823 ARENBERG HINDZAHRA 4 5 GFX OT 00 00 15 07 Still002